The weekend of the General Assembly coincided with the climax of the Pilgrimage to Rome organised by Coetus Internationalis Summorum Pontificum (CISP), and those coming to the General Assembly had the chance to attend their events.

On Friday evening, there was a very beautiful Pontifical Mass in Sta Maria in Campitella, which was accompanied by a French choir, the Schola Sainte-Cécile, under Henri de Villiers, who sang Marc-Antoine Charpentier’s 'Mass for Four Choirs'. This was a truly impressive occasion, the choir being joined by a trumpeter and a lutanist, and using two lofts.

On Saturday, a service of Eucharistic Adoration was accompanied by a choir brought to Rome by the FIUV and the Latin Mass Society: Matthew Schellhorn's Cantus Magnus, in San Lorenzo in Damaso. This was followed by the procession to St Peter's, which is so characteristic of the Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage, and Mass in the Basilica.

Saturday afternoon was the time for the FIUV Closed Session, when the officers and committee chairmen made their reports, and elections took place, in the conference room at the Domus.

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