Saturday, 11 January 2025

FIUV Universal Ordo for 2025

The Federation's own Ordo, giving the Mass to be said every day of the year according to the Universal Calendar (1962), is now available as a pdf download here.

Hard copies are now available to buy in the New Year, from the LMS online shop.

The FIUV took up the publication of this Ordo when the PCED, which used to do it, ceased to exist. It is modelled on the old PCED Ordos.

Please direct corrections to 

Sunday, 8 December 2024

The FIUV welcomes a member association from Korea!

The Council of the Federation has voted to welcome the 

Una Voce Korea

as a member of the Federation.

We have been in touch with a founders of this association for some years, and are delighted that they have taken the step to establish a formal association and to apply for membership of the Federation.

The Traditional Mass celebrated in Korea

Korea takes its place among a good number of associations in south east Asia: China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan, and the Philippines. These are all nations with a rich Catholic heritage, going back to the 16th century, and with their own saints and martyrs who were formed in the Traditional Mass.

We wish UV Korea every success in its work to restore the Traditional Mass to a place of honour in the Church in Korea, and we will be supporting them in this important work.

You can contact them by email: . 

They have a website here:

Support the FIUV by becoming a Friend.

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Gregorius Magnus 18 published!

Download the pdf here

High-definition version for printing here.

Read it online in ISSUU (optimised for mobile devices)

In this issue we commemorate Michael Davies,

20 years after his death;

the petitions in favour of the Traditional Mass of 2024;

plus news, comment, and features from Australia, Nigeria, France, and around the world.

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Press Release: De Saventhem medal presented to Cardinal Sandoval and Sir James MacMillan

Press Release: Spanish language version below.

The International Federation Una Voce awards the Dr. Eric de Saventhem Medal to Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez and Sir James MacMillan

Rome, 19/Oct/2024 – The International Federation Una Voce (FIUV) is honored to announce the presentation of the prestigious Dr. Eric de Saventhem Medal to His Eminence Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez and Sir James MacMillan, in recognition of their significant contributions to the preservation and promotion of the Traditional Latin Mass within the Catholic Church.


Thursday, 18 July 2024

Latest petitions and letter to Pope Francis

Mass for the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Oxford.

Petitions and letters calling on the Holy Father not to restrict the Traditional Mass are multiplying.

Sir James MacMillan's petition of 48 distinguished individuals can be seen here.

Cardinal Sandoval's letter to Pope Francis can be seen here, as can the 'Letter of Adherence' to his message.

An American petition of 11 cultural figures created by Dana Gioia can be seen here.

A letter by the Mexican film director Eduardo Verástegui can be seen below.

Several open petitions, that can be signed by anyone, now exist:

In support of the MacMillan petition.

In support of the Gioia petition.

A French open petition.

Letter of Eduardo Verástegui

Pope Francis Vatican City PRESENT.

Dear Holy Father,

I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying the joy that comes from our faith in Jesus Christ. I am writing to you not only to greet you but also to inform you that rumors have reached us in Mexico about a definitive prohibition of the Latin Mass of Saint Pius V.

The Latin Mass of Saint Pius V has a very rich and devout liturgy that invites many of us Catholics to meditate and contemplate more deeply the mystery of faith. It helps us focus and concentrate, allowing us to deepen our worship of Jesus Christ in a more profound and mystical manner.

In the land of Guadalupe, many of us hope that the Tridentine Mass will not be suppressed but preserved for the spiritual benefit of Catholics who wish to attend the traditional Mass every day and receive Communion.

Therefore, dear Father, if the rumors are true, I earnestly plead with you not to allow this to happen. I ask this with all my heart as a brother in Christ, as a friend, and as a son of the Catholic Church. You are our Father, our Shepherd, our spiritual protector, the custodian of the historical, cultural, and liturgical richness of the Church of Christ. Please do not allow the Latin Mass to be banned, and grant us the wish that any priest who desires to celebrate it may do so. In Mexico, we have many priests who wholeheartedly wish to do so with your permission. Therefore, I am writing to you to request, on a personal level and at the request of good priest friends and fellow laypeople, that this spiritual and cultural treasure of the Tridentine Mass be preserved.

I ask for your blessing. Someone who esteems you and prays for you every day.

Your son in Christ,

Eduardo Verástegui.

Support the FIUV by becoming a Friend.

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

President's Briefing, No. 6: Chartres and Celebrity supporters

From the President: Record numbers on the Chartres Pilgrimage parallel surprising celebrity endorsements of the TLM

In the 6th Presidential Briefing I consider the record numbers on the Chartres Pilgrimage, Harrison Butker, and celebrities endorsing the Traditional Latin Mass.

Sign up to these occasional Briefings below.

Support the FIUV by becoming a Friend.