Cardinal Sandoval letter and International Letter of Adherence

Made public 16th July 2024

Letter from Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iñiguez to Pope Francis, advocating for the Mass of Saint Pius V, and International Endorsement by Personalities. 

On July 6, Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iñiguez, Archbishop Emeritus of Guadalajara, penned a letter to Pope Francis, which he dispatched on Monday, July 8. In the letter, he urged that, amidst persistent rumors of an impending global restriction on the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass, the Tridentine Mass which has been celebrated for four centuries according to the rite of Saint Pius V, not be suppressed or suspended. 

Diverse Catholic associations and news/internet platforms, among them Una Voce México, have called on personalities from around the world to endorse this petition launched by Cardinal Sandoval. 

Below is a free translation of the letter sent by Cardinal Sandoval. 

To His Holiness Pope Francis, 

Bishop of Rome and Shepherd of the Universal Church. 

Pope Francis, there are rumors that there is a definitive intention to prohibit the Latin Mass of Saint Pius V. 

The Lord's Supper, which He commanded us to celebrate in His memory, has been celebrated throughout history in various rites and languages, always preserving the essentials: commemorating the death of Christ and partaking in the Table of the Bread of Eternal Life. 

Even today, the Lord's Supper is celebrated in various rites and languages, both within and outside the Catholic Church. 

It cannot be wrong what the Church has celebrated for four centuries, the Mass of Saint Pius V in Latin, with a rich and devout liturgy that naturally invites one to penetrate into the Mystery of God. 

Several individuals and groups, both Catholic and non-Catholic, have expressed the desire for it not to be suppressed but preserved, because of the richness of its liturgy and in Latin, which alongside Greek, forms the foundation of not only Western culture but also other parts. 

Pope Francis, do not allow this to happen. You are also the guardian of the historical, cultural, and liturgical richness of the Church of Christ. 

Seeking your blessing, who esteems and always commends you. 

Guadalajara, Jalisco, July 6, 2024, 


Archbishop Emeritus of Guadalajara. 

The call through which adherence to Cardinal Sandoval's letter has been requested is as follows: 

Letter of Adherence to the request of His Eminence Don Juan Cardinal Sandoval Íñiguez to the Holy Father, regarding the celebration of the Holy Mass according to the missal known as that of Saint Pius V; dated July 6, 2024 

We, the undersigned, inspired by the present letter of Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, Archbishop Emeritus of Guadalajara, also wish to make our plea that the treasure known as the Mass of Saint Pius V, due to its spiritual and historical richness, be preserved and not restricted in the Church. 

We attest that among the signatories there are those of us who attend the Mass celebrated with the Missal of Saint Pius V and those who attend the Mass of Saint Paul VI; we are united by the recognition of the value of this liturgical and cultural heritage and the desire for concord and unity in the Church. 

• Modesto Aceves Ascencio. Architect, former National Director of Restoration Works, Mexico. 

• Jesús Emmanuel Acha Martínez. Singer, composer, and entrepreneur, Mexico. 

• Humberto Jorge Aguilera Hernández. General Director of Noche Lírica Música Vocal, Mexico. 

• Felipe Alanís Suarez. Vice President of the International Federation Una Voce, Mexico. 

• Jaime Alcalde Silva. Professor at the Catholic University of Chile, President of the Liturgical Association Magnificat, Chile. 

• Andris Amolins. President of Una Voce Latvia. 

• Miguel Angel Yañez. Director of Adelante La Fe, Spain. 

• Esteban Arce. Communicator and national radio and TV news anchor, Mexico. 

• Julio Ariza Irigoyen. President and founder of Grupo Intereconomía, La Gaceta, and Toro TV, Spain. 

• Roberto Badillo Martínez. Major General, State Major Diploma, Mexico. 

• Teresa Banderas Aceves. Choir of the State of Jalisco, Mexico. 

• Patrick Banken. President of Una Voce France.

 • Guadalupe Blanco Aceves. Seise of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Guadalajara, Mexico.

• Alberto Buela. Philosopher and professor at the Sorbonne University of Paris, France. 

• Edgardo Juan Cruz Ramos. President of Una Voce Puerto Rico. 

• Juan M Dabdoub Giacoman. President and founder of the Mexican Family Council, Mexico. 

• Lord (Daniel) Moylan. Catholic politician, UK. 

• Simon DeLacre. Director and film producer, Argentina. 

• Luis Fernando Escobar Duque. President of Cruzada Cultural Center, Colombia. 

• Edgar Fernandez Cerda. President of Una Voce Mexico. 

• Rodrigo Fernández Diez. Jurist and writer, Mexico. 

• Mamela Fiallo Flor. Journalist and international keynote speaker, Ecuador. 

• James Gillick. Catholic painter, UK. 

• Horacio Giusto. Philosopher and international keynote speaker, Argentina.

• Michael Hichborn. President of the Lepanto Institute, USA. 

• Jorge Issac Lozano. Principal organist at the Church of the Visitation in Guadalajara, Mexico. 

• Sir James MacMillan. Composer, United Kingdom. 

• Álvaro Leaño Espinoza. Entrepreneur, Mexico. 

• Martha Leaño Espinoza. Businesswoman, Mexico. 

• Elizabeth Lemme. Calligrapher and artist, USA. 

• José María López Valencia. Director of the Choir of the State of Jalisco, Mexico. 

• Anuar López Marmolejo. Founder of the Mexican Association of Catholic Jurists. 

• Alfredo López García. Director of Bendita Eucaristía Radio, USA. 

• Fabio Marino. President of Una Voce Italy. 

• Nicolas Márquez. Writer and international lecturer, Argentina. 

• Austreberto Martínez Villegas. Historian and writer, Mexico. 

• Debra Matthew. Musical director of San Mark’s Parish Episcopal Church of Guadalajara, Mexico. 

• Luis Medina. Communicator and journalist, USA. 

• María Eugenia Méndez Dávalos. Former local deputy of Michoacán, Mexico. 

• César Moreno Aguirre. Chief industrial engineer, Mexico. 

• Arturo Navarro Leaño. Entrepreneur, Mexico. 

• Javier Navascués Pérez. Editor of InfoCatólica, Spain. 

• Manuel Ocampo. Director and founder of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Universidad Panamericana, Mexico. 

• Uchenna Okezie. President of Ecclesia Dei Society, Nigeria. 

• Jack Oostveen. President of Ecclesia Dei Delft, Netherlands. 

• Omar Alejandro Padilla López. Musical director at St Philip Catholic Church, USA. 

• Rubén Peretó Rivas. Philosohper and Researcher, Argentina. 

• Ricardo Ramírez Carreño. Dean of the Faculty of Arts at St Michael Archangel International University, USA; Director of the Royal Art Academy, Santiago, Chile.

• David Reid. President of Una Voce Canada. 

• Monika Rheinschmitt. President of Pro Missa Tridentina, Germany. 

• Cristián Rodrigo Iturralde. Author, researcher, and international keynote speaker, Argentina. 

• Juan Manuel Rodríguez González-Cordero. President of Una Voce Spain. 

• Luis Román. Catholic communicator and founder of the channel Conoce Ama y Vive tu Fe, USA. 

• Walter Romero. Director and founder of Metapedia, Brazil.

• Ernesto Rubio. Entrepreneur, Mexico. 

• Rodrigo Ruiz Velasco Barba. Historian and researcher, SNI, Mexico. 

• Miguel Salinas Chávez. Director and founder of the international analysis platform BIIE, Mexico. 

• Mouris Salloum George. President of the Club of Journalists of Mexico. 

• Jorge Luis Santa Cruz. Director of Periodismo sin Compromisos, Mexico. 

• Matthew Schellhorn. Concert pianist, UK. 

• Joseph Shaw. President of the International Federation Una Voce, President of the Latin Mass Society of England and Wales. 

• Agustín Silva Lozina. President of Una Voce Argentina.

• Juan Manuel Soaje Pinto. Director and founder of the TLV1 Channel, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

• Jarosław Syrkiewicz. President of Una Voce Poland. 

• Gwyneth Thompson-Briggs. Artist, USA. 

• Ricardo Valdés Ayón. Graduate in Gregorian Chant, Mexico. 

• Luis Zapater Espi. Doctor of law and former judge, Spain. 

P.S.: The letter of His Eminence, Cardinal Sandoval, refers to “various groups, Catholic and non-Catholic” who have sought the preservation of the ancient Mass. Among these is the petition of mainly British cultural figures published on 3rd July 2024. We are pleased to note that Sir James MacMillan, Britain’s premier Catholic composer and the organizer of the 3rd July petition, associates himself with His Eminence’s letter in the following Letter of Adherence, together with many figures of culture and academia, and leaders of the Una Voce movement from all over the world. As of July 15, 2024 Edgar Fernandez Cerda – President of Una Voce Mexico Felipe Alanís Suárez – Vice President International Federation Una Voce.

Also to be noted is the open letter of José Eduardo Verástegui.

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