The Petition of 1998

This petition was a personal appeal to the Pope John Paul II

, rather than an attempt to harness public opinion. It was accordingly delivered to the Papal Household without fanfare, with the petition is an elaborately decorated and bound presentation case.

The petition text

To His Holiness Pope John Paul II: A Petition.

Most Holy Father,

During the Second Vatican Council, the first document promulgated by the Council Fathers was the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosancturn Concilium, 4th December 1963). This document was approved by 2147 votes with only 4 against, thus indicating the overwhelming wishes of the Council Fathers. In establishing the principles and norms to be applied to the Roman rite (Art.3) the Council Fathers ordered the following:

• “ faithful obedience to tradition, the sacred Council declares that Holy Mother Church holds all lawfully recognised rites to be of equal right and dignity; that she wishes to preserve them in the future and to foster them in every way.” (Art.4);

• “The use of the Latin language, with due respect to particular law, is to be preserved in the Latin rites.” (Art.36.1);

• “ must be taken to ensure that the faithful may also be able to say or sing together in Latin those parts of the Ordinary of the Mass which pertain to them.” (Art.54);

• “The treasury of sacred music is to be preserved and cultivated with great care.” (Art.114);

• “The Church recognises Gregorian chant as being specially suited to the Roman liturgy. Therefore, other things being equal, it should be given pride of place in liturgical services.” (Art.116).

All the members of the various organisations that are affiliated to the Federation Internationale Una Voce fully support these objectives and are being absolutely faithful to the collective will of the Council Fathers as promulgated in Sacrosanctum Concilium. We are deeply grateful to Your Holiness for your pastoral concern for “...all those Catholic faithful who feel attached to some previous liturgical and disciplinary forms of the Latin tradition” and for introducing “the necessary measures to guarantee respect for their rightful aspirations” (Ecclesia Dei, Art.5c).

Your Holiness has publicly recognised these mandates from the Council Fathers by authorising the establishment of those priestly orders, monasteries, and religious houses that use the 1962 religious books. The wisdom of this decision to uphold the great traditions of the Church is being rewarded in the numerous vocations that these establishments are now attracting for the great benefit of the Church and her faithful.

Therefore, we, the undersigned, earnestly beseech our Most Holy Father: a) for a Papal Blessing on our apostolate and beg the support of Your Holiness in our relationships with our national hierarchies; b) to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in accordance with the Missal of 1962 in St. Peter’s, Rome, on a date convenient to Your Holiness.

This petition also has the support of those priestly and religious orders that have signed this document.


The Voices of the Laity

Australia: Una Voce Australia; The Ecclesia Dei Society of Australia. Austria: Una Voce Austria; Initiativkreis Katholischer Laien in der Diozese Linz; Die Wieße Rose. Belgium: Una Voce Belgica. Canada: Traditional Mass Society, Vancouver; The Traditional Mass Movement in Canada; Una Voce St John’s, Newfoundland. Chile: Magnificat—Chile. Czech Republic: Una Voce—Czech Republic. Estonia: Una Voce Estonia. France: Una Voce France; Centre International d’Etudes Liturgiques (CIEL); Domus Christiani; Centre Montauriol. Germany: Una Voce Deutschland. India: All India Laity Congress, Ireland: Ecclesia Dei Ireland. Italy: Una Voce Italia. Netherlands: Una Voce Netherlands. New Zealand: Una Voce New Zealand; Ecclesia Dei Society of New Zealand. Norway: Una Voce Norvegia. Poland: Una Voce Polonia. South Africa: Una Voce South Africa; Old Latin Mass League. Spain: Consociatio Culturis Roma Aeterna. Switzerland: Una Voce Helvetica— Deutschsprachig; Una Voce Helvetica— Francophone. United Kingdom: The Latin Mass Society; Una Voce Scotland; CIEL (UK); Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice. USA: Una Voce America; The Saint Joseph Foundation; The Latin Liturgy Association; Human life International; Una Voce Monterey (California); Una Voce Palo Alto (California); Sacramento Traditional Mass Society (California); St John Fisher Forum (Illinios); Rockford Latin Mass Community (Illinois); Una Voce Indianapolis ((Indiana); League of St Anthony Latin Mass Community (Indiana); Una Voce Lewiston (Maine); Una Voce Michigan (Michigan); Una Voce Central Minnesota (Minnesota); Una Voce St Louis (Missouri); Una Voce St John the Baptist, Ozarks (Missouri); Una Voce New Hampshire (New Hampshire); Una Voce New York (New York State); Una Voce Bronx (NY State); Una Voce Buffalo (New York State); Una Voce Rochester (New York State); The Traditional Mass Committee (New York State); Una Voce Hendersonville (N. Carolina); Una Voce Piedmont (N. Carolina); Fort Bragg Chapter (N. Carolina); Una Voce Fargo (N. Dakota); Una Voce Toledo (Ohio); Una Voce Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania); St Anthony of Padua: Ecclesia Dei Association (Pennsylvania); Holy Wisdom Latin Mass Community (Pennsylvania); Una Voce East Texas (Texas); Una Voce Knoxville (Tennessee); Una Voce Vermont (Vermont); Una Voce Richmond: Agnus Dei Chapter (Virginia); Una Voce Washington (Washington, DC); Una Voce Western Washington (Washington State); Una Voce Athelstane (Wisconsin).

The Voices of the Clergy and Religious

France: Abbaye Sainte-Madeleine du Barroux; Fraternité Saint-Vincent- Ferrier (Couvent Saint Thomas d’Aquin); Institut Canonial de l’Opus Mariae; Abbaye Notre-Dame de l’Annonciation du Barroux: Abbaye Notre-Damede-Fidelité; Institut de la Saint Croix de Riaumont.

Germany: Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri. 

Ireland: St Patrick’s Priests Society. 

Italy: Institut du Christ-Roi Souverain Prêtre. 

United Kingdom: The Priestly Association of St John Fisher; The Oratory of St Philip Neri, London; The Oratory of St Philip Neri, Birmingham. USA: The Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest; The Society of St John.

This petition was delivered on 27th October 1997, but elicited no response. Its delivery and subsequent disappearance are discussed here.

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